Student Visa

60 universities and colleges sanctioned by Home Office

Three universities and 57 private colleges have been told they cannot sponsor any new international students.


Visa application assistance and checking of bank statements

You must ensure that your funds are not held in an institution that the UK Visas and Immigration Agency are unable to verify.



Tougher criteria for highly trusted sponsor universities

The British Government has announced new, stricter, requirements for Highly Trusted Sponsor status for universities in the UK.


Will you be affected by changing immigration rules on Tier 4 student visa?

Many international students worry about UK immigration rule changes on Tier 4 student visa. Click here to find out more.


10 tips by UK Visas and Immigration on entering the UK

If you are travelling into to the UK as a student, here is all you need to know about crossing the UK border.


Changes to user pays UK visa application centres

UK visa applicants will need to pay a service fee in these visa centres in Saudi Arabia, India, Japan, China, Turkey, Russia, Germany, Switzerland, Spain, Italy and Poland.


What is an ATAS certificate?

Briefly, ATAS is applicable to students who apply for their postgraduate eduction in certain sensitive subjects. Come to check if you need it!



UK student visa interview questions and answers

UK student visa interview questions are mainly about your institution, the course that you are going to study and finance



Tier 4 Student Visa Overview - Video

UK Visas and Immigration receive a big amount of applications during the summer, check this video and get ready for your application!
