We need to talk about... Mental Health

We need to talk about... Mental Health

Mental Health issues have been the elephant in the room for a long time but luckily times are changing, we all have a lot to deal with, from school, family, money, and lot and lots of everyday struggles but we want to let you know that the first step to feeling better is to address that we are allowed to feel. As cheesy as it sounds… Talk about, with anyone, about anything, but talk!


Here are some amazing UK initiatives, from universities campaigns, trained barbershops to motivational street art.



- Are you OK?-

University of Warwick’s Student Union came up with the “Are You OK?” campaign during the #WorldMentalHealthDay last October 10th – this campaign is intended to break down the barriers of conversation about mental health, is great to see students taking part of these activities, something made by students for students. In the video, they encourage viewers to talk but also to listen to their mates. Take a look!

For further information: https://www.warwicksu.com/campaigning/areyouok/?homepage


- Heads Together - 

Heads Together is a charity which main spokespersons are The Royals, The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry, this charity want to help people to feel more comfortable with their everyday mental wellbeing and have practical tool to support friends and family.



- #BarberTalk by the Lions Barbers Collective -

#BarberTalk is a bespoke training programme alongside Papyrus and Pieta House suicide prevention and mental health charities in the uK and Ireland. They aim to create training that will enable barbers to Recognise, Talk and Listen and Advise their clients when they are sat in their chairs. As Barbers have a unique relationship of trust and friendship crossing personal space allowing clients to open up about personal issues.



- Gurls Talk -

Being on top of the world walking all the major catwalks, what can be wrong about that right? Well, super-model Adwoa Aboah speaks up about depression, drug use and self-hate. She also drives viewers thru her new initiative GURLS TALK – a safe space for young girls to be themselves, talk about issues that make them happy, sad, curious, anything that comes to your mind. Gurls Talk still on a developing phase but are already receiving submissions. Be Part of it! Talk!



- Survival Techniques -

Last but not least, Naomi Edmonson runs a project called Survival Techniques, which, as straightforward as it sounds,  are simple actions or question that have helped people when they were feeling sad, depressed, or lonely: painted into London walls. Check the video



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