Best gap year ideas

Best gap year ideas

Gap year is an amazing opportunity to do all the things you always planned. You should customize your experience according to your needs and interests. Here are a few ideas for trips and experiences, which will assist you, in planning your gap year.

Thinking about gaining some work experience?


You can gain some invaluable work experience during your gap year. It is important that you consider what skills you want to develop and what you would like to try.

1. Teach in another country: Deciding to teach in another country can give you the chance to experience a new culture. It will also improve your future employment potential. Here is a list of few organizations that will give you a chance to teach worldwide: Go abroad, Ecuador amazon teaching experience and languagecorps.

2. Summer Camp: You can also apply for a job as a summer camp counsellor in America. This will give you a chance to plan exciting activities for kids, apply your special skills and get a summer filled with fun and experiences.

3. Gap assistant: You can also work as school gap assistant in Australia. You will get a chance to gain great work experience abroad. It will also give you a chance to earn some spending money alongside a 6-11 month placement. 

4. Family business: If your ultimate aim is to join family business, then you as well join family business to understand how business works. It will also give you a chance to find out what’s most suitable for you and your career.

5. Be an Entrepreneur: You can be an entrepreneur by starting your own business plan with ideas you’ve always had.

Thinking about doing some volunteering work:                                                                                                                


6. Be a community volunteer: You can volunteer in organizations closer to your home. You can search for various communities online to select where you want to work.

7. Rehabilitate wildlife: You can work at wildlife centres that help in rehabilitating monkeys and some unique species of birds in BorneoYou can work within the U.S. and all around the globe to work to save and protect the endangered species.

8. Rebuild America: You can contribute in rebuilding America by volunteering on The National Civilian Community Corps or AmeriCorps. This is a great place to gain some leadership skills.   

9. Community projects in Africa: You can participate in a variety of projects ranging from teaching in schools, bringing water to village, building homes. It is your chance to volunteer and help the existing communities in Africa.

Want to plan an adventurous trip?  



10. Expedition to Antarctica: You can plan an adventurous trip to the bottom of the world, Antarctica, to spend a few months of your gap year.

11. Learn to navigate: You can navigate your way through mountains, valleys and forests of the eastern United States ranging from Maine to Georgia and do the Appalachian trail.

12. See the Seven Wonders of the World: You can plan to see the Seven Wonders of the World. Embrace the awe-inspiring view of Man-made and Natural Wonders of the World.

13. Become a Sailor: You can also become a sailor on a tall ship, if you love the sea. The Tall Ship Adventure will be an amazing and different experience.   




14. Train ride through Europe: Europe is the easiest place to get around by train. You can buy a Euro rail pass and travel to 23 different countries.

15. Backpack through Asia: Grab a bag pack and trek through the beautiful mountains, coasts and cities of Southeast Asia.

16. Road trip: You may have seen all the movies about amazing road trips. It's your chance to plan a road trip with your friends. It can give you experience and memories for a lifetime. Planning a road trip will give you an amazing chance to see what the world has to offer to you.

Do you want sometime to nurture yourself?



17. Go on a pilgrimage: You can go on the famous pilgrimage routes around the world for a purpose-driven and empowering way to spend your gap year.

18. Go for yoga retreat: You can choose either to retreat in nature, or stay close to home, to build your focus, find your purpose and calm your mind.

19. Visit the world’s holy sites: It doesn’t matter which faith you belong to, you can still visit the famous holy sites. It will be a deeply moving and inspiring experience.

20. Promote peace: Join peace organization and spend your gap year travelling and promoting peace.

21. Fulfil your dreams: Gap year is the time to do everything you always wished for and dreamed about. So use this time and fulfil your life dreams.

Finally, taking a gap year helps you to gain maturity and squeeze most out of your college life. If you plan your time of gap year efficiently, it also gives you a chance to build a resume before the college.